Solutionology Podcast

Episode #16 | Leveraging 3D Printing to Drive Thermoforming Innovation

Episode 16

Carl & Brian walk through examples of how they’ve used industrial 3D printing (additive manufacturing) to drive innovation in projects using low pressure molding methods such as thermoforming. You’ll see examples where traditional molds were modified with 3D printed components in order to enhance features and test design changes during real time production. When additive is used this way and in this part of the process, it can help product development teams fuel innovation and make better, more strategic decisions.

00:00 Intro
03:33 Additive isn’t always the best solution
04:05 Early thermoforming mold
05:26 Glass bead reinforced nylon 12
07:13 Traditional manufacturing
10:48 Different testing approaches
11:45 Product changes in real time– modified molds
12:19 Scheduling production down time
15:30 Balancing desired outcome with economics
16:14 Our approach– understanding the whole picture
17:14 What validating thermoforming can achieve
19:32 Demonstrating use of additively produced components
21:46 Thermoforming in process demonstration
23:21 Improve product with existing tooling
24:24 Inserts attached to the mold to change geometries in real time
30:24 Marrying technologies to drive a decision
32:13 HP Multi Jet Fusion is the primary resource
35:40 Change is part of our

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