Solutionology Podcast

Episode #20 | Driving Design Complexity Using Additive Manufacturing for Production

Brian Douglass, DI Labs COO & Carl Douglass P.E., DI Labs CEO Episode 20

We’re back with a favorite client and good friend, Mike Van Staagen, owner of Van Staagen Design and VP of Advanced Design and Development for Cirrus Aircraft.

In this episode, Mike talks about working with a company to design the internal body of a very specialized camera about the size of a soda can. He explains how leveraging the DI Labs Multi-Jet Fusion (MJF) capabilities for final production allowed him to drive complexity into his final design. His solution included a single printed part, which he describes as “impossible,” that held over 20 components together and went through multiple iterations to add new features such as snaps, wire runs, and clips. Mike calls MJF technology "a solution that can grow with you."

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